La pizza è sempre la pizza....e quindi mi piace farla e rifarla....oggi vi metto anche le foto dei passaggi ed il risultato finale....è venuta proprio bene devo dire....!!!
500 grammi di farina
+ un pochino per la spianatoia
300 ml di acqua circa
25 gr lievito di birra
3 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva
14 gr sale fino
1 cucchiaio pieno di zucchero
Se necessario potete aggiungere anche della farina.
Bisogna poi impastare bene finchè la superficie della pasta sarà liscia e senza grumi.
Ricordatevi che una volta che l'impasto sarà lievitato se vi sembra troppo per l'uso che ne dovete fare lo potete tranquillamente surgelare per le volte successive.
Quando avrà lievitato lo prenderete lo sgonfierete con le mani e lo metterete nella teglia foderata di carta forno e poi lo stenderete e lo farcirete come più vi piace.
Cuocere in forno a 180° per circa 20 minuti, comunque controllandola sempre.
Pizza bigusto today to please everyone without having to bake pizza in a wood oven!
Ingredients for the dough:
500 gr of flour
+ A little for the dough
300 ml of hot water
25 g yeast
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
14 g salt
1 spoon full of sugar
To fill it you can use the basic ingredients like tomatoes and mozzarella, here I've done half the pizza with roast turkey and half with anchovies.
Put the flour in a large bowl (I prefer because I do less damage, if you are more able than me you can do it on a table) and make a hole in the middle. Dissolve the yeast (which you kept at room temperature for a while before using) in a glass of warm water (not boiling) with the sugar. Melt everything together and pour it into the hole in the flour. Take another glass of warm water and dissolve the salt and then add the oil, pour into the flour and begin to mix, first with a fork, then with your hands. The water that remains should be added step by step because each type of flour absorbs more or less, so keep adding it until you have a soft and elastic dough. If necessary you can also add more flour.
We must then knead until the surface of the dough will be smooth and without lumps.
Take the dough and place it in a clean bowl bigger than the other one, sprinkle the bottom of the bowl with flour, cover with a cloth and put it in the oven, turned off, for at least 1 hour, 1 hour and a half and in that time it will double the volume.
Remember that once the dough is leavened if it seems too much for your recipe you can safely freeze it for the next time.
When the dough has risen deflate it with hands and put it in a pan covered with kitchen paper and then stretch it and stuff as you like.
Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, but you should always check the time.
Ingredients for the dough:
500 gr of flour
+ A little for the dough
300 ml of hot water
25 g yeast
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
14 g salt
1 spoon full of sugar
To fill it you can use the basic ingredients like tomatoes and mozzarella, here I've done half the pizza with roast turkey and half with anchovies.
Put the flour in a large bowl (I prefer because I do less damage, if you are more able than me you can do it on a table) and make a hole in the middle. Dissolve the yeast (which you kept at room temperature for a while before using) in a glass of warm water (not boiling) with the sugar. Melt everything together and pour it into the hole in the flour. Take another glass of warm water and dissolve the salt and then add the oil, pour into the flour and begin to mix, first with a fork, then with your hands. The water that remains should be added step by step because each type of flour absorbs more or less, so keep adding it until you have a soft and elastic dough. If necessary you can also add more flour.
We must then knead until the surface of the dough will be smooth and without lumps.
Take the dough and place it in a clean bowl bigger than the other one, sprinkle the bottom of the bowl with flour, cover with a cloth and put it in the oven, turned off, for at least 1 hour, 1 hour and a half and in that time it will double the volume.
Remember that once the dough is leavened if it seems too much for your recipe you can safely freeze it for the next time.
When the dough has risen deflate it with hands and put it in a pan covered with kitchen paper and then stretch it and stuff as you like.
Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, but you should always check the time.
Pizza bigusto hoy para complacer a todos sin tener que ordenar la pizza en horno de leña!
Ingredientes para la masa:
500 gr de harina
+ Un poco para la masa
300 ml de agua
25 g de levadura
3 cucharadas de aceite extra virgen de oliva
10 g de sal
1 cucharadita de azúcar
Para llenarla ingredientes básicos como tomates y mozzarella, aquí he hecho la mitad de la pizza con pavo asado y la otra mitad con anchoas.
Ingredientes para la masa:
500 gr de harina
+ Un poco para la masa
300 ml de agua
25 g de levadura
3 cucharadas de aceite extra virgen de oliva
10 g de sal
1 cucharadita de azúcar
Para llenarla ingredientes básicos como tomates y mozzarella, aquí he hecho la mitad de la pizza con pavo asado y la otra mitad con anchoas.
Poner la harina en un bol grande (yo prefiero, porque hago menos daños) y hacer un agujero en el centro. Disolver la levadura (que se debe mantener a temperatura ambiente durante un poquito de tiempo antes de usarla) en un vaso de agua caliente (no hirviendo) con el azúcar. Derretir todo junto y ponerlo en la harina. Tomar otro vaso de agua caliente y disolver le sal y agregar el aceite, poner todo en la harina y comenzar a moverla, primero con un tenedor, después con las manos. El agua se debe agregar paso a paso, ya que cada tipo de harina absorbe más o menos, por lo que se debe seguir hasta que la masa sea suave y elástica. Si es necesario, también se puede agregar la harina.
Por tanto, debemos mezclar hasta que la superficie de la masa sea suave y sin grumos.
Tomar la masa y colocarla en un recipiente limpio grande, espolvorear el fondo con harina, cubrir con un paño y meter en el horno apagado durante al menos 1 hora, 1 hora y media en la que se doblerà el volumen.
Recordar que una vez que la masa esté leudada si os parecerà demasiada para lo que necesitas se puede congelar para la próxima vez.
Cuando se harà levantada vamos a desinflarla con las manos y despues la ponemos en una bandeja con papel y luego la estiramos y ponemos las cosas que queremos.
Poner al horno a 180 grados durante unos 20 minutos, pero usted debe controlar que no se vaya a quemar.
Buen provecho!.
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