Ingredienti x 2:
50 gr di farina
350 patate farinose
200 gr spinaci
formaggio taleggio e ricotta
Fare delle striscioline e poi tagliare i pezzettini, passare i pezzetti sull'apposito strumento oppure usare la forchetta e fare gli gnocchi.
Cuocerli in acqua che bolle salata e appena vengono a galla scolarli e buttarli nel condimento di formaggio.
Today for lunch gnocchi in green, they are not very easy to do but if you can get a hard dough you're done and they are really good and light. The cheese for the dressing may be just a simple ricotta pretty tasty if you want to reduce calories.
Ingredients for 2:
50 g flour
Ingredients for 2:
50 g flour
potatoes 350
200 g spinach
Taleggio cheese and ricotta
Take the spinach and squeeze out the water, after they are cooked without water and cut them into small pieces. Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel and mash with a potatoes crusher. Mix the potatoes and spinach and add the flour and salt, begin to knead with your hands until the dough is firm but not too hard.
Make strips and then cut into small pieces, press the pieces on the appropriate tool or use a fork and make the gnocchi.
Prepare the sauce by dissolving the cheese with a bit of milk and keep aside.
Cook the gnocchi in salted boiling water and when they just come to the surface drain them and throw them into the cheese sauce.
200 g spinach
Taleggio cheese and ricotta
Take the spinach and squeeze out the water, after they are cooked without water and cut them into small pieces. Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel and mash with a potatoes crusher. Mix the potatoes and spinach and add the flour and salt, begin to knead with your hands until the dough is firm but not too hard.
Make strips and then cut into small pieces, press the pieces on the appropriate tool or use a fork and make the gnocchi.
Prepare the sauce by dissolving the cheese with a bit of milk and keep aside.
Cook the gnocchi in salted boiling water and when they just come to the surface drain them and throw them into the cheese sauce.
El almuerzo de hoy....los ñoquis en verde, no son muy fáciles de hacer, pero si usted puede conseguir un bell'impasto duro ya está y son muy buenos. El queso para la slasa puede ser sólo una sencilla ricotta bastante sabrosa si quieres reducir las calorías.
Ingredientes para 2 personas:
50 g de harina
patatas harinosas 350
200 g de espinacas
taleggio queso y requesón
Tomar las espinacas y escurrirlos del agua después de que se hayan cocinado sin agua y cortarlos en trozos pequeños. Hervir las patatas con piel, pelarlas y reducirlas en purè. Agregar las patatas y las espinacas y añadir la harina y la sal, comenzar a amasar con las manos hasta que la masa sea firme, pero no demasiado dura.
Hacer tiras y luego cortarlos en trozos pequeños, mover las piezas en la herramienta adecuada o usar un tenedor y hacer los ñoquis.
Preparar la salsa disolviendo el queso con un poco de leche.
Cocinar en agua hirviente con sal y apenas que llegan a la superficie escurrirlos y echarlos en la salsa de queso.
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